Could Of, Would Of

“Count not your loss; instead your gain
and doubt and fear will scatter.”

~Charles Harrienger, Veteran of Vietnam War, 173 ABN ’68-’69


These words give us a taste of the strong medicine this Vietnam warrior discovered as he shouldered his combat experience over the last 50 years.

Charles’ poems walk us through the waving grasses of truth as known by a warrior who has “been there.” My “civilian mind” is eternally grateful to read and feel the hard earned wisdom of his “warriors mind.”

We’ve shared hours of conversations, readings, and musing together over the last 6 years. Some spitting fire. Some laughing. Some crying. Some asking questions that have no answers. And then, we’d share a poem or two.

Here’s one he’d like to share with you.

To Read or to Hear:

Could Of, Would Of

May I never utter could of would of should
May my only aspirations be the common good
May every interaction witness my intention
May ever if I rise or fall be worthyable of mention
May ever be my inner self be witness to inspection
Slighted as my destiny higher in directions
Discernment guide me from on high my motives on selection
Embrace me in the faith to see a future I’m included
Attention to the energies where no one is excluded

May I see what’s happening to me
more of new beginnings.
If nothing but a salve to soothe life’s load of grief and endings
May all life’s tribulations
Her litany of trials forever less memorable be than my list of love and smiles

For more poetry from Charles search for: Caverns of the Soul

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