Hammerin’ and Yammerin’

Wanna know what gets a combat veteran laughing? Give him a place to be, a team to love, and a common purpose. All that adds up to a ongoing reason to engage with others and just let it rip.

Hammerin’ and yammerin’, that’s what we’re all about.

And maybe, just maybe this is a great way to say, what otherwise, just can’t be said. We’ve been at this for over 6 years now. We’re loving it.

Together, we’ve built a tight team of budding artists. Together we’re building some awesome sculptures. And, together we’re creating a community so rich in connection that Ben Cardamone describes it like this:

“You know what’s cool? We’re just watching out for each other. That’s who we are now. I’ve never had friends like this before.”

The Upside of the Shut Down

Like so many of us, we’ve had to stop gathering to talk, imagine and create together. So, we scrapped all our plans for large community gatherings, in-person talks with students at the University of Colorado, and even stopped inviting the growing flow visitors. It took some time and a bit of sadness to switch our focus. But, something amazing started bubbling up from within the team. Its showing up as this question.

Are we ready to explore where to install our sculptures?

The answer is yes.

We’ve found a piece of land that is perfect, really perfect, for our long range vision. That land is for sale. And what really awesome is this. It is less than 2 miles from our shop. That keeps the whole project right here in the very center of our community.

So here’s our new focus. We are spending our “quiet time” during the Covid isolation to hone our vision for growing the Warrior StoryField from a grass roots project into an enduring facility that can serve a much broader community for many years to come.

The Warrior StoryField is thriving. Our costs are low. We’re in great economic shape to continue building our sculptures the minute we all can step out of isolation and go back to work. But in the meantime, we are writing, thinking, dreaming of how we can serve many many more and how we can serve them, even better.

Thanks so much to each of you, for your support and encouragement for all these years. We are beyond excited for what’s coming next.


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