We’re Courting Beauty
That Ain’t Pretty

So, What is Beauty?

What we find beautiful, as we walk through the woods,
Is the twisted pine, the tortured cypress,
The delicate violet pressing its way through granite

What we find beautiful is the human spirit that prevails against all odds
For true beauty is born of tragedy trial and grit.

When we look for beauty
We look past straight lines and perfect grids of symmetry
These are things of order
They carry no surprise.
They speak to the rational mind ignoring the heart

Beauty lies in the raw mystery of survival
Then catches us off guard.

Beauty invites us to follow it around impossible curves
It instructs our minds to free-fall toward our hearts
Falling now, we weave the fabric of our souls

Beauty asks us simply to slow down.
To walk like a deer
One step
Five breaths
A long look around
A long delicious sniff
Another long look
And only then……Yes only then
Another step

~Robert Bellows, Aug 15, 2019 


Thanks For A Beautiful Year
The Warrior StoryField team sends a huge thanks to all of you for your support, friendship and encouragement for yet another beautiful year of building conversation and community through the portal of art.
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